Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not a motorcycle but...

Well I didn't play with any motorcycles today but I did make something cool so I guess it's ok. Today Matt and I built a removable roll cage for our friends Suzuki Samurai. He wants to take it to Moab and treat it bad and be able to take off the cage when he gets home. This should fill the bill. It looks pretty if I say so myself.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Knolls

Went riding today with some buds at the Knolls in the West Desert of Utah. It's in exactly 15 miles from nothing 35 kilometers from nowhere. BUT, if you need a place to learn you a thing or two it is a great spot. One hour from down town Salt Lake city and there are sand dunes, single track, miles of open smooth salt flats and big hill climbs in rock, dirt and sand. Like I said it's a sweet spot.
I did have some trouble though. I took my bike out of the truck, warmed it up and took it for a lap around the parking lot. When I stopped the engine was spitting oil on the front tire. A plug in the head had fallen out somewhere in the first lap.
No worries though. I found an old license palate and Macgyvered a new plug. Only 25 mins wasted.